Natalie Adermann | Panhellenic Vice President of Recruitment - Internal
“Hey y’all!
My name is Natalie Adermann and I serve as the Vice President of Internal Recruitment for the Collegiate Panhellenic Council at the University of Missouri - Kansas City. My job is to ensure a smooth recruitment from the chapter side. I oversee recruitment registration and schedules, and assist the chapter recruitment chairs with preparing for the big weekend through monthly meetings! I work alongside the other members of the recruitment team to make recruitment fun, supportive, and rewarding for our chapters and potential new members. When I went through recruitment three years ago, I had no idea where my journey with Greek life would take me. As an upcoming senior, I can safely say that choosing to be a part of such a special community has truly shaped my college experience. Joining Panhellenic not only gives you the amazing experience of sisterhood, but also sets you up for life after college. Joining a sorority gives you amazing opportunities surrounding academic success, career development, and community service. Recruitment is an incredibly special process and I feel incredibly grateful that I play such an important role in helping our potential new members find their forever homes. I can’t wait to see everyone on campus in August!
With love,
Natalie Adermann, Vice President of Internal Recruitment”

Lily Lefferd | Panhellenic Vice President of Recruitment - External
“Dear Potential New Members,
I am thrilled to welcome you to sorority recruitment at The University of Missouri-Kansas City. Being a part of a sorority means something different for every member. At UMKC our sorority members are entrepreneurs, world travelers, volunteers, doctors, and so much more. Sororities give their members the opportunities to follow their dreams and accomplish their goals. Sorority members are world changers. Here at UMKC our members make a difference in our communities through our philanthropic and volunteer work. Joining a sorority gives you the space to change the world.
The members of our Greek Community are leaders in clubs and extracurriculars all over campus from The Pre-Dental Society to Women In Business to Student Government, our members can be seen making a difference in all aspects of UMKC. Sororities are a place for members to support members unconditionally. The Panhellenic community at UMKC strives to help its members do better for themselves and the world around them.
I initially went through sorority recruitment because I knew nobody at UMKC, but I continue to stay in my sorority because I am a better person for it. My sorority enriches my life academically and socially, my sisters hold me accountable but also are always there for me after a hard day, and lastly the alumni network has allowed me to make connections with sisters all over the country from all different walks of life.
During recruitment weekend soak up all the memories. This is such an exciting time in your college career, you are able to showcase yourself and all your prior achievements while sitting amongst like minded individuals who want to change the world. You are what a sorority member at UMKC looks like and I cannot wait to see how you change our community!
Lily Lefferd, CPC Vice President of External Recruitment ”