The andrew mcdonough be positive foundation

The B+ Foundation, also known as the Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting childhood cancer. Founded in memory of Andrew McDonough, a young boy who passed away from leukemia, the foundation provides financial assistance to families of children with cancer and supports research efforts aimed at finding a cure. The B+ Foundation also emphasizes the importance of staying positive after identifying Andrew’s blood type B+ and encourages individuals and communities to get involved in fundraising and awareness campaigns to support childhood cancer.

Events this semester
B+ Fundraising Dine out day at Panera
ALL DAY on Thursday, September 5th, 2024
at the Plaza location
Raffle & Card Making activity for our B+ Hero's
Thursday, Septermber 19th, 2024
during CPC 3rd Thursday in the SGA Chambers
T-shirt Raffle & Tabling
Thursday, September 26th, 2024 from 11am-3pm
on the 1st floor of the MNLC

Roos Relay FTK (for the kids)
Thursday, October 3rd, 2024 from 7-9pm
at the Durwood Stadium

Our B+ Exec team is a collaboration with Panhellenic and the InterFraternity Council at UMKC where we offer up to 14 leadership positions and service opportunities relating to childhood cancer. Any member of greek life is eligible for a position every fall as a freshman to junior student!
Alana Lopez | Panhellenic Vice President of Service & Philanthropy

UMKC Greek life promotes B+ by supporting our two B+ Hero's Olivia and Brooke, and partnering with our local children's mercy hospital. This fall our Main event Roo’s Relay (FTK) for the kids, will be located at Durwood stadium where we encourage all students, alumnae, family and friends to support our collaboration with the B+ foundation.

Our goal is to spread awareness, gain more participation within the KC community and raise $5,000 this fall as our first semester on campus!